25 May 2024

How to Reefer shipping turns your avocados into cultivated world travellers

Specialised shipping makes for better avocados


Avocados have been gaining popularity, with approximately 8.69 million metric tonnes being shipped worldwide in 2021. As the global demand continues to grow, it is expected that avocados will remain a rapidly expanding export for countries such as Mexico, South Africa, and Kenya. Reefer transport provides exceptional service for this delicate sea cargo, ensuring that avocados reach their destinations in optimal condition.

To ensure that avocados arrive in perfect condition, SWWLS's experts meticulously follow strict transport protocols. They use reefer containers with controlled atmosphere technology to preserve the quality of these "climacteric fruits." Similar to apples, pears, and peaches, avocados continue to ripen after harvesting. This respiration process involves a significant increase in ethylene (C2H4) after the fruit is picked. Therefore, it's essential to regulate gases such as CO2, O2, and ethylene to maintain the best taste, texture, and aroma. By slowing down the ripening process, the shelf life is extended, allowing exporters to benefit from longer harvests and supply routes.

Controlled Atmosphere containers

Reefer shipping helps keep avocados market-fresh as they travel around the world. Controlled Atmosphere (CA) containers are used to precisely control the atmosphere composition within the container during the journey. This advanced process can significantly extend the post-harvest life of avocados and other perishables from 2-4 weeks to 6 weeks, in addition to standard temperature management.

CA slows down respiration and metabolic activity to delay unwanted changes in the fruit during transport. Microprocessors monitor and control the atmosphere in the container to guarantee the best conditions while recording changes in the composition. Our specialists verify, manage, and control the entire process. This seamless monitoring guarantees the best conditions during your perishables’ journey. When necessary, the team intervenes to ensure every avocado arrives at maximum quality. For the ultimate in freshness, ship your refrigerated cargo with SWWLS’s reefer experts.